Boalkhali, Chattogram.

Message from Chairman

Mohd. Hassan Waris

Founder & Chairman

All praises be to Allah and Darud and salam for Prophet(SM).

My intense love for my village people and their children has, in fact, inspired me to establish this institution in the year 2010. From my boyhood, I had to struggle hard to survive and to support my family resulting in quick winding up of education. So I don’t want to see our children dropping out for the similar reason.

Syedpur Hassan-Shahinur Academy is, therefore, an opportunity for those parents and guardians who could hardly afford to send their children to good school. Every year we are providing scholarships and subsidies to the poor but meritorious students to facilitate them to continue their education without any let or hindrances. The founding principle of this academy is ‘Providing quality education with minimum cost’ rather than making profit at the cost of parents and guardians of the children.

I believe that a nation can never reach the height of glory and prosperity without proper and quality education. To make Bangladesh a happy and prosperous country as dreamt by the Father of the Nation Bongondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, we need to put in all our efforts to well educate our children who are the future leaders of the country. With this end in view, we have arranged here all types of physical facilities, co-curricular and extracurricular programmes to ensure the balanced growth of our posterity.

I wish every success to Syedpur Hassan-Shahinur Academy.